Sunday, December 2, 2007

Shoppes of Wilton Manors Sold

With change usually comes uncertainty. But with the recent sale of the popular Strip Mall in Wilton Manors...the tenants are actually feeling a bit comfortable.

The Shoppes house some of South Florida's most popular gay business...such as Georgi's Alibi, Boom Nighclub, Java Boys, Humpy's Pizza along with some great retail shops. According to the new owners Rivercrest Realty Investors..there are no 'immediate' plans for change. Rather than plan a huge renovation of the property, they are trying to cater to the tenants maintenance needs. They also recently renewed every ones that is a good sign the Shoppes will be around for a while.

The previous owners (Stiles Corp) had plans of turning 1/2 of the complex into a mixed use retail and condo building. Those never really got off the ground and with the condo market soft (I hate soft)...there probably won't new condo's in the plans with the new owners.

One interesting report is that the Poverello Thrift Store plans on moving to a larger location in the next year and that will open a large slot for a new store. Rivercrest plans on keeping the same overall 'appeal' of the mall and hopes to find a local business that will complement the stores.

If you haven't been to the Shoppes yet, I suggest you take a trip and check them out.

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