Sunday, October 19, 2008

Florida Early Voting starts tomorrow!

Vote, VOTE, VOTE!!!

Florida early voting starts there is no excuse for any Florida resident not to make it.

Anyone that has friends or family in Florida...please tell them to VOTE NO on Amendment 2. Although it is currently illegal in the state for 2 gays to marry...Amendment 2...if passed, will define marriage as only a man and woman...along with only marriage unions will be recognized. This would add discrimination to the state constitution and also could impact any str8 domestic partnership that are currently allowed in the state.

If you are a Florida resident...VOTE NO! on 2!

Ok...I'll get off my soapbox now. This is actually the first general election that I feel so emotionally invested in the outcome. Lets just hope McCain/Palin doesn't win. Can you imagine?

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Britney's back! Womanizer Video released..and it's HOT. See it here.

It's hard to believe she was such a mess only a year ago...but I'm glad to see her getting back to her old self! The song is on iTunes and it's really got a good hook. Listen to it a few times and you can't get it out of your head. The video premiered on 20/20 last night, but here is the whole video without the 'steam' blocking some shots of her in the shower. Great job Britney...glad to have you back and off the crack.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Palin the dummy.

Well it looks like the Palin investigation has found that she abused her power in Alaska. Big shocker there huh? It's really scary that someone this dumb has made it this far in US politics. While she did 'ok' at the still had pieces of the blundering buffoon we all saw in the interviews. It was over-hearsed and when there was a question they didn't rehearse she didn't answer it. Smart for a dummy.

Here's a funny video that mashes together every ignorant interview Palin gave. No wonder why she's not giving any more interviews. If you notice...all appearances are speeches now.


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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Save money on your travel plans.

I love to see that travel companies are realizing that we (the gay population) are a huge demographic. Travelocity has been marketing to us for well over a year now. If you are planning a trip, click below and book through them. You'll save a lot and it's all guaranteed.

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