Sunday, December 14, 2008

Slammer away.

Slammers in Ft. Lauderdale is still going strong. It seems to be getting busier and busier every week. Friday and Saturday nites are packed and usually starts to fill up at 10:30 - 11:00 PM. Don't forget you can Bring Your Own booze too. Where else can you watch porn, hear great music, drink for cheap and have great sex? I hear that it's even taking business from some of Ft. Lauderdale's hot bath houses.

3-month membership is $29 and includes your entrance for the night. After that, your entrance fee is only $14 (except for Sat and Sunday early release...members get in for 1/2 price.). You can only bring in liquor if you get a 3-month if you are an out-of-towner with friends...One of you buy the membership and bring in the booze. The others pay a one night only fee of $19.

It's a fun time...and I've been going waaay too much lately. What's a guy to do when he's got an itch to scratch huh? Christmas and New Years will be packed for sure.

Slammers is located at-
321 W. Sunrise Blvd. Can't miss the '321' yellow sign.

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