Sunday, September 28, 2008

Start planning Halloween in Wilton Manors!

This year the name of the huge Halloween Block Party is "Wicked Manors" Since Halloween falls on a Friday, I predict this will draw a ton of people and be one hell of a party.

The 'theme' of the night is the 'Silver Scream'. Totally a camp fest....should be lots of fun.

Here is some info from their website:

"Dust off those wigs and over-the-top costumes, it's time to celebrate the most ghostly of holidays ... Halloween. Join us in Greater Fort Lauderdale for the hottest party in Florida – the Wicked Manors Block Party on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors.

This year’s theme, “The Silver Scream” will feature classic horror films from the past with party-goers in more eclectic and eccentric costumes than anywhere in South Florida. Female impersonators, contests, food vendors, bars and themed booths will fill “The Drive” with lots of good old Halloween fun.

Looking to play some tricks or get some treats then come to one of these devilishly fun events or contests:

5 pm: Trick or Treat on the Drive
Get in the Wicked Manors spirit and trick-or-treat the entire length of the Drive from 5 pm to 7 pm. Participating businesses will offer special “treats” for the kids and adults and be on the lookout for your favorite storefront decorated in the spirit of Halloween!

7 pm: Wicked Manors Block Party Begins
Party the night away with a fabulous DJ and other live or (undead) entertainment.

Pet Costume Contest: Don't leave the pets at home! Dress up your dog, costume your cat, masquerade your mouse! Furry friends can win big in this contest! Prizes will be awarded for large and small breeds.

Celebrity Look-A-Like Contest: Has anyone ever told you that you look like Marilyn Monroe or maybe Hugh Grant? Here's your chance to dress like a diva, wear movie star make-up, be a Britney (or not). Celebrate your inner celebrity and join the fun.

Drag Queen Walk Off! Bring out the high heels for this one! A quick walk down the runway, past the crowds and back to the stage - FIERCE!

Costume Contest: The prizes get bigger and the judging gets tougher! Can you be the scariest? Or even the best?

Winners announced throughout the evening and at 11 pm, we crown the Lord and Lady of Wicked Manors! "

It appears the event is free, you'll just have to pay for parking. Also, for those of you not familiar with the area, there are many bars on 'The Drive' and I guarantee you can make a whole night of it. The Pride night festival was a blast and I'm really looking forward to this event.

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