Saturday, February 2, 2008

What the heck is Florida thinking? Gay Marriage Ban will be on November ballot

A last minute submission of a ballot with the correct number of signatures was processed yesterday at 5 PM that will put a Gay Marriage Ban Amendment on the November ballot.

Of course it was well thought out since now there isn't much time to protest or challenge it until at least Monday. It gets tons of press all weekend. I really wonder what the heck Florida is thinking lately. It almost feels like we live in 2 states. You have the northern half of the state that is ultra-conservative and wanting to ban everything they don't believe in....then you have the southern half that is more accepting. I find it so strange that they think that gay marriage will ruin the 'family'. How many people out there are from a divorced home? Hmmmm sacred huh?

It's going to get ugly in the months to come...and if you are gay and live in the state...the workplace might get a bit uncomfortable as well. You know everyone has an opinion.

These northern Florida religious freaks are getting a bit out of hand. If they want to damn everyone that does not conform to their beliefs...maybe they should move to a communist country....and if there are some African American supporters of this amendment? Or women...shame on you. I seem to recall some history that showed us that they didn't have the same rights as the white man.

So much hate out there will tear this country apart. It's happen will happen again. While I might not want to tie the knot...I think everyone should have the opportunity.

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